Kamil Kanji

Kamil Kanji

Senior Advisor, 18 years old, British Columbia

Kamil has been involved in leadership and advocacy work for many years. In recent years, he has served as the Co-Founder, President and Chairman of The Board for Calgary’s Youth Community Council. In highschool he also sat as the Student Co-Chair of the Diversity and Equity committee, Chairman of the Student Senate and Vice-President of his Interact Club.

Kamil is also a strong community advocate; he has served as Co-Chair on the Calgary Mayor’s Youth Council and is heavily involved within Rotary International’s District 5360; serving in many capacities at the local, provincial, national and international levels.

Kamil has also served as the President of the Calgary Ismaili Youth High School Club for the Prairies and was selected as one of five youth from across Canada to attend Global Encounters; a global leadership summit based in Pakistan. Most recently, Kamil has transitioned to university at the University of British Columbia and has joined the UBC Rotaract Club in which he serves as the Vice-President External and as Chair for Rotary International’s first ever Interact Advisory Council in which he advises the Rotary International President and represents 350,000 students from around the world.

Externally, he has undertaken the position of National Chairman of The Canadian Leaders United Summit, Co-Founder and Chairman of Flatten The Curve Canada, Vice-Regional Board Member for the Ismaili Tariqah and Religious Education Board for the Prairies, been elected as a Arts Undergraduate Society Representative to the Alma Mater Society of the University of British Columbia in which he has served as Vice-Chair of the Governance Committee and a member on its Finance, Advocacy and Equity Committees, a Model Senator with the Senate of Canada and has been elected Chair of the Children First Canada Youth Advisory Council. In addition, he has worked with the City of Calgary as a Junior Recreation Leader and served as Chief Partnerships Officer with a technology startup company called Popular Innovations Inc.

These roles have allowed Kamil to speak before the Senate of Canada on Youth Engagement, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child as a member of the Canadian Delegation, receive two Paul Harris distinctions along with the likes of US President Jimmy Carter, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar and others, the Rotary Club of Calgary Service Above Self Award, the Mayor’s Special Recognition of Service, the UBC Centennial Scholars Award, a TD Community Leaders Finalist recognition, a Western Canada High School Lifetime Honors award, the Julia Turnbull Leadership Award, the Education Matters Future Leaders Award, the Owen Heart Foundation Honorarium and the United Way’s recognition as one of the strongest community builders in Southern Alberta.