View the 2022 Raising Canada event

Launched in 2018, Raising Canada is an annual series of reports that track the top 10 threats to childhood. The report sheds light on the reality that one-third of kids in Canada do not enjoy a safe and healthy childhood. For more than a decade, the state of childhood in Canada has been on the […]
10 Tips for Summer Learning
When school gets out for summer, classes may end, but that doesn’t mean kids should stop learning. Research shows that over the summer, many kids experience “summer slide” where they lose around 2 months of progress in reading and math. While summer slide is a problem, it’s one that doesn’t necessarily have to occur. Don’t […]
CFC Statement
Children First Canada calls on the Government of Canada to implement recommendations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child without further delay Children First Canada calls on the Government of Canada to implement recommendations from the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child without further delay On June 9, the United […]
20 Screen-free Activities for Kids
With spring here and summer approaching, most kids will have fewer structured activities and more free time. This time is great for building creativity and independence, but it can also result in kids spending way more time than usual on screens. The Canadian Pediatric Society recommends children ages 2-5 have less than 1 hour of […]
How Climate Change Affects Children
Canada produces three to four times as much greenhouse gas emissions per capita compared with the global average. While you probably already know some information about climate change, you may not know how climate change is related to children’s rights. Climate change is an issue that poses a threat to everyone, but children are most […]
Helping Kids Cope With Pandemic Fatigue
At this point, pandemic fatigue is affecting everyone–adults and children. However, it can be difficult to know where to begin to help children navigate their feelings of exhaustion, sadness, and isolation when you’re struggling with pandemic fatigue yourself. Here are a few ways to help kids deal with the stress and anxiety they are experiencing. […]
Children First Canada welcomes release of Alberta Child and Youth Well-being Review panel report and calls for urgent action
December 17, 2021 Alberta, December 17, 2021 – Today’s release of the Alberta Child and Youth Well-being Review panel report is a step in the right direction towards much needed action for kids in Alberta. Now it’s time to act: we know the problems that children are facing and have recommended short-, medium- and long-term […]