Why Kids Bully: Understanding Bullying in Order to Combat It

As kids go back to school this month, many will continue to face unprecedented challenges. And every child handles life pressures differently – some resort to bullying, while others struggle to stand against it. Our latest blog explains the causes of bullying and how to prevent it.
Raising Canada 2020: Our Voice in the Media

Children First Canada (CFC) has released Raising Canada 2020, a joint research report that highlights the state of childhood in Canada. The findings reveal that most of the top 10 threats to childhood may be increasing – or in danger or increasing – because of the COVID-19 pandemic. CFC is ringing the alarm on behalf of Canada’s 8 million children. Keep up-to-date here as we post links to articles and interviews published across the country.
Child advocates ring the alarm as new report highlights unprecedented impact of COVID-19
A new report documents how Canadian children have been adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings of Raising Canada 2020 reveal that many of the top threats to childhood, including mental illness, food insecurity, child abuse, physical inactivity and poverty may be increasing – or are in danger of increasing – because of the pandemic. This report highlights new data related to these threats and points to emerging concerns.
Youth Have Their Say About Lowering the Voting Age in Canada

More than 70% of surveyed youth are in favour of casting a ballot at age 16, according to a national consultation to better understand how young Canadians feel about lowering the voting age.
A Vote for Change

Is a 16-year-old too young to cast a ballot? Sara Austin, CFC’s founder and CEO, explains why lowering the federal voting age isn’t as radical as it seems.
CBC Kids features the Young Canadians’ Parliament!
Check out this great story by CBC Kids News on the Young Canadians’ Parliament and the importance of listening to children’s voices in Canada’s response to COVID-19. From education to mental health, youth like Farah and Roman have something to say to Members of Parliament and the Senate!
Sounding the Alarm

Now that school is out, children face further isolation and mental health challenges. Sara Austin, CFC’s founder and CEO, discusses the importance of supporting the unique needs of children in response to COVID-19.
Media Advisory: Leading Canadian Children’s Hospitals Warn of Looming Crisis
Pandemic emergency measures have increased wait times for care and kept children isolated
Ottawa, July 6, 2020 – Canadian child health experts are sounding the alarm that COVID-19 has created a crisis in children’s health with potentially catastrophic impacts to the physical and mental health of children.
Canadian Children Call on the Prime Minister to Take Urgent Action as Schools Close for Summer
Call follows virtual Young Canadians’ Parliament where kids met with government officials to discuss critical issues facing children.
June 18, 2020, OTTAWA – Children from across Canada are calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to take urgent action as schools close for summer vacation. The children who participated in last week’s Young Canadians’ Parliament are calling on the Prime Minister to offer additional supports at what they say is a critical time for Canadian kids who have been dealing with unprecedented stresses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Senator McPhedran tables Bill to Lower Federal Voting Age to 16
(Le français suit.)
News Release / Communiqué de presse
Senator McPhedran tables Bill to Lower Federal Voting Age to 16
For immediate release
Ottawa, June 17, 2020 – Today, Senator Marilou McPhedran (Independent, Manitoba) tabled her bill to lower the federal voting age from 18 to 16. This is a big step in the parliamentary process that engages supporters across party lines toward a revitalized and more age-inclusive democracy in Canada.