Together, we can make Canada the best place in the world for kids to grow up!©

Children First Canada is a national charitable organization that serves as a strong, effective and independent voice for all 8 million children in Canada.

COVID-19: Read our statement and find resources here.

YCP News

Join the YCP!

Do you want to speak up about the issues that matter most to your generation? Join the Young Canadians’ Parliament!

News & Happenings

The Warning Signs of Child Abuse

Did you know that two-third of Canadian adults report experiencing some form of child abuse before the age of 15? Every child deserves to be protected from all forms of violence and to grow up in a safe and nurturing home.

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News on Twitter

Vous n'êtes pas seulement les leaders de demain, de l'avenir - vous êtes les leaders d'aujourd'hui. La remise des prix, L'avenir, c'est maintenant a été un moyen incroyable de célébrer les plus jeunes artisans du changement au Canada.

Thank you Minister @JennaSudds for your leadership and support! We were so honoured that you could join us to celebrate the Future is NOW Awards!


Thank you so much @JayMcCauley2 for your leadership as our Ambassador for the Future is NOW Awards and for all that @telus has done to help build a friendly future for children and youth!


Advocate for Kids

Advocate for
Children and Youth

We are urging the federal government to address the top 10 threats to childhood in Canada. Join us in Raising Canada!

YCP Youth Report and Recommendations

Recommendations from Young Canadians

Upcoming Events

Nov. 04

Young Canadians’ Parliament 23/24

Nov. 20

National Child Day 2023

Nov. 20

National Child Day 2022

Oct. 06

Raising Canada 2022


Join the Movement!

The Young Canadians’ Parliament (YCP) is a growing movement of children and youth who are speaking up for their rights – and sharing their views with parliamentarians. Young people across Canada are uniting as one voice so they can be heard at the highest levels of government.

We’re stronger together. We need your voice!

News on Twitter

Advocate for
Children and Youth

Kids represent 25% of the population and 100% of our future, yet they cannot vote. We are urging the federal government to address the top 10 threats to childhood in Canada. Join us in Raising Canada!

Advocate for Kids
Children Smiling
Children Smiling 2

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