Children’s Charter Will Create A National Vision For Canada’s Kids

View fullsize Today, there are six million kids in Canada. While many of them are doing just fine, far too many of them are struggling. Canadians like to think of our country as being one of the best places in the world to raise a child, yet that simply isn’t true. In a poll conducted […]
Announcing changes in the role of our Founder, Sara L. Austin
Announcing changes in Sara Austin’s role with Children First Canada.
Front page news in the Calgary Herald
Children First Canada had two front page stores in the Calgary Herald following our event with the Economic Club of Calgary.
Children First Canada Responds to the 2017 Federal Budget
Children First Canada responds to the 2017 federal budget.
Editorial by Toronto Star
Ottawa should name a children’s advocate: Toronto Star Editorial
The Trudeau Liberals promised to name a children’s advocate. They should deliver on their commitment to make sure children are top of mind.
Media Advisory: Children First Canada Calls on Government to Establish Commissioner for Children and Youth
Media Advisory:
TORONTO, February 23, 2017 – A new non-profit, Children First Canada, is urging the federal government to appoint a Commissioner for Children and Youth to help drive measurable change on critical issues, including children’s health and safety, and reducing child poverty in Canada
Liberals come under pressure to create children’s commissioner as promised
Jordan Press, The Canadian Press
Published Wednesday, February 22, 2017 7:52AM EST
OTTAWA — The Liberals are facing calls to follow through on a campaign pledge to create a federal children’s commissioner who would be a non-partisan voice to ensure government policy actually improves the lives of young people.
Sara Austin featured on CTV’s Power Play
Founder and CEO, Sara Austin, appeared on CTV’s Power Play to talk about the need for the federal government to keep its promise to appoint a Federal Commissioner for Children and Youth.
Let’s Resolve To Make Canada The Best Place For Kids To Grow Up
See Sara Austin’s recent Opinion Editorial in the Huffington Post, calling on Canadians to resolve to put #ChildrenFirst in 2017.
Student Budget Consultation: Youth Ambassadors Submit Recommendations to Minister Morneau
The Youth Ambassadors have submitted recommendations to Minister of Finance, the Hon. Bill Morneau, through the Student Budget Consultation process. They are calling for urgent action to invest in kids!