The 3 R’s of Child Protection

Every child deserves to be protected from harm and live in a safe and healthy environment. Sadly, this is not the reality for every child that calls Canada home. Read our latest blog to learn more about the 3 R’s of child protection: recognize, respond and report abuse.
12 Child Rights Everyone Should Know

There are 8 million kids in Canada, and they all have something in common – their rights! November 20 marks National Child Day in Canada. It’s a time to celebrate the rights of children and youth and renew our commitment to upholding them. Here are 12 areas of child rights that everyone should know.
5 Eye-Opening Ways Kids are Affected by Food Insecurity

While many believe Canada is one of the best places to raise a child, the truth is that more than three million Canadians live below the poverty line – and many of them are children. Check out these five eye-opening ways that food insecurity impacts the well-being of our youngest citizens.
13% of Canadian Parents Report One of their Children Has Been Sent Home from School for COVID-19-related Symptoms

First poll since classes resumed finds 16% of parents have missed work to abide by school regulations
Calgary, October 8, 2020 – A month after schools reopened, a new poll reveals that a large number of Canadian children and their parents are dealing with disruption, long COVID-19 test lines and employment insecurity. The poll*, conducted by Abacus Data and commissioned by Children First Canada, surveyed parents of school- aged children from October 2 to 6, 2020, and is the first to outline the issues families are facing since the return to school this fall.
YCP Member Speaks Up About Climate Change

Abigail Steeves is a 14-year-old climate justice activist based in Halifax, N.S. She is also a member of the Young Canadians’ Parliament – an initiative to amplify the voice of children and youth at the highest levels of government.
Senator Moodie Re-introduces Legislation; Seeks to Establish a Commissioner for Children and Youth
Ottawa, October 1, 2020 – Senator Moodie (Independent, Ontario), through her colleague, the Honourable Senator Kutcher, has re-introduced a Senate Public Bill that aims to establish a Federal Commissioner for Children and Youth.
Senator McPhedran Re-tables Bill to Lower Federal Voting Age to 16
Ottawa, October 1, 2020 – On the first possible day since Parliament was prorogued, Senator Marilou McPhedran (Independent, Manitoba) tabled her bill yesterday to lower the federal voting age from 18 to 16. This is a big step to re-establish the parliamentary process that engages supporters across party lines toward a revitalized and more age-inclusive democracy in Canada.
Children First Canada Responds to the 2020 Federal Speech from the Throne
Ottawa, September 23, 2020 – Today’s Speech from the Throne, A Stronger and More Resilient Canada, includes measures that will benefit children ranging from: childcare, health care, people with disabilities, food security, mental health and PharmaCare.
Children First Canada welcomes these signals, many of which respond directly to the concerns raised in our Raising Canada report, which highlighted immediate and long-term threats to the health and well-being of children in Canada. Children’s most basic rights to life, survival and development are in jeopardy.
5 Tips to Help Kids Adjust to School Reopening

Are your little ones still having a difficult time with the restrictions and school changes due to COVID-19? Check out these tips on how to calm their fears, so they can adjust to the new normal – and just focus on being kids.
Turning Up the Volume

The Raising Canada 2020 report revealed that the top 10 threats to childhood are increasing – or are in danger of increasing – due to the impact of COVID-19. Sara Austin, CFC’s founder and CEO, explains why the time to act is now.