Youth Statement For The Need of a Federal Child Commissioner

For far too long now, children in Canada have not been educated on their rights, they have not had their rights protected on a federal stage or had a direct line of communication to federal leaders who have a significant impact on their overall quality of life.
Children First Canada Welcomes Introduction of Bill in Senate of Canada Calling for Federal Commissioner for Children and Youth
Children First Canada welcomes today’s introduction of Bill S-217 in the Senate of Canada, calling for the establishment of an Office of the Commissioner for Children and Youth in Canada.
Today’s bill was introduced by the Honourable Senator Rosemary Moodie (Independent), who is a pediatrician and neonatologist, as well as a strong child advocate.
All Mothers Were Summoned

“What is happening?”
My nine-year-old son asked me this question last week. He was confused by the images he saw flashing across the screen in our living room. Thick crowds of people. Protesters holding signs. Tears. Tension. Frustration. He didn’t know how to piece it all together. So he turned to me for answers.
At that moment, I had a decision to make: say nothing or engage in an honest conversation.
Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians – Parenting During the Pandemic: Share your perspective
(Le français suit.)
Below is an invitation from Statistics Canada to participate in a crowdsourcing initiative to collect data on how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting families with children under the age of 15. We encourage you to share your insights. The data you provide will be helpful for making future plans.
Statement on Racism Experienced by Black Children and Families

Every child has the right to a life free from discrimination of any form. While this right is enshrined in The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, we know that this is far from being a reality for black children and their families. The team […]
Children’s Voices Need to be Heard

Sitting in the Prime Minister’s Office, 10-year-old Roman made a passionate plea I will never forget: 18 is just a number. His conviction was almost jarring. Without reservation, he spoke about children’s rights, their need to be heard – at any age – and his frustration with not being counted simply because he couldn’t vote.
Children First Canada Hosts The Hon. Ahmed Hussen for a conversation regarding the impact of COVID-19 on children
On Saturday May 23rd, Children First Canada had the pleasure of hosting the Hon. Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development for an interactive conversation with Children First Canada’s Founder and CEO, Sara Austin.
Sara Austin talks to CTV news about ways to cope with kids at home
Our founder, Sara Austin, shares her thoughts on the supports needed for both parents and children during this time of social isolation
Children First Canada contributes to Op-ed about the hidden crisis of COVID-19

Independent senator Rosemary Moodie and Children First Canada Founder and CEO Sara Austin have co-written this op-ed emphasizing that the government must address both urgent and long term impacts of the COVID crisis on children.