9 Healthy Activities for Children to Do at Home

Keeping kids occupied in the house is challenging in the best of times. Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has made finding healthy in-door activities for children even harder.
5 Tips for Teaching Children How to Be Brave

It is difficult to teach a child a characteristic like bravery, but there are some tips. Here are 5 solid tips for teaching children how to be brave.
Protecting Children from Abuse during the COVID Outbreak
It’s been a busy month for Children First Canada in the media. Follow the links below to read coverage about the critical importance of protecting children from abuse during the COVID crisis.
News Release: Launch of resource for educators on child and youth family violence during the time of COVID-19
OTTAWA, April 22, 2020—During this time of national crisis some members of our society are more adversely impacted than others. These include children and youth who may be at higher risk for family violence and related challenges created by isolation and other factors. Regular in person means of identifying and supporting these young people, especially through the education system as we move to online classes, are now less available, so alternatives are required.
CBC Edmonton: Kids need more help dealing with depression, anxiety, say child advocates
August 29, 2019 CBC Edmonton: Release of the raising Canada report read more
Advocating for Children During the COVID Crisis: Our Voice in the Media
Children First Canada has been speaking up for children since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Keep up-to-date here as we post links to articles and interviews published across the country.
What Is National Child Day And Why It Matters For Canadians?
Have you heard of National Child Day? No? Well, it may surprise you to learn that it’s over twenty years old.
National Child Day is an important day for all Canadians, especially children. Let’s go through what it is and why it should matter to you.
Protecting children from abuse
Teachers’ toolkit Children First Canada was pleased to partner with Senator Stanley Kutcher (Nova Scotia) and Dr. Wendy Carr (UBC) to create a support tool to help educators, counsellors, administrators and others in their virtual communication and outreach to at-risk children and youth: Children and Youth Living with Family Violence During the COVID-19 Crisis. How […]
Children First Canada has joined over 200 of Canada’s leading charities to call on the Federal Government for emergency support to face the COVID-19 crisis

Here is our letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister Chrystia Freeland and Minister Bill Morneau: English version, French version, List of signatories.
Update on response to COVID-19 and the impact to kids in Canada
Across the country, Canadians are grappling with a new reality that is rapidly changing. As a country, we are being urged to stay home and take all possible steps to reduce risks and prevent the transmission of coronavirus in our families and communities.
At Children First Canada, we’ve taken steps to minimize risks such as postponing events and restricting travel. While the ways in which we do our work is changing, we will not cease in our efforts to advocate for kids and empower kids to advocate for themselves. Today and every day, we remain committed to prioritizing the rights of kids in Canada and mobilizing action to improve their wellbeing.