Call for research participants

ATTENTION PARENTS OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH AGES 0-18ATTENTION STAKEHOLDERS WORKING WITH CHILDREN AND YOUTH Children First Canada and the University of Calgary are currently conducting research to understand the top threats that children and youth in Canada face, the implications of these threats, and to understand stakeholders, parents and young people’s recommendations for policymakers and […]

Giving Tuesday is coming November 29! Double Your Impact for kids!  

Giving Tuesday is a global movement to create major impact and transform our communities. More than 80 countries participate. Canadians donated $43.6 million last year within a 24-hour period. Right now, kids are facing huge challenges and they need our support! An unprecedented paediatric crisis is unfolding across the country, putting children’s lives at risk. […]

Advocacy Incubator: April 19 and April 26

LEARN from other young activists, BUILD a campaign, PITCH your campaign. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to hone your advocacy skills and make a difference!

Children First Canada Responds to the Fall Economic Statement 2022

Fall Economic Statement Response.

Ottawa, November 3, 2022 – Today’s Federal Fall Economic Statement provided a snapshot of Canada’s finances, expressing the need for sound economic stewardship in uncertain times, and laying out steps to improve affordability, economic growth, equity, and fairness.   Of note is the reinforcement of supports for families including doubling the GST credit, the Canada Dental Benefit, and new mechanisms […]

Children First Canada issue recommendations for the Pre-Budget Consultations

Children First Canada has issued recommendations in advance of the upcoming Federal budget. Read the full submission here. Children and youth thrive in environments that are safe, nurturing, predictable and structured. However, this is not the reality for many kids in Canada. One-third do not enjoy a safe and healthy childhood. (1) While the pandemic […]

Join our National Child Day celebrations!

November 20 is celebrated as National Child Day in Canada. This special day recognizes our country’s commitment to upholding the rights of children and two historic events: the 1959 signing of the UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. Globally, […]

View the 2022 Raising Canada event

Launched in 2018, Raising Canada is an annual series of reports that track the top 10 threats to childhood. The report sheds light on the reality that one-third of kids in Canada do not enjoy a safe and healthy childhood. For more than a decade, the state of childhood in Canada has been on the […]

10 Tips for Summer Learning

When school gets out for summer, classes may end, but that doesn’t mean kids should stop learning. Research shows that over the summer, many kids experience “summer slide” where they lose around 2 months of progress in reading and math. While summer slide is a problem, it’s one that doesn’t necessarily have to occur.  Don’t […]